简 介
《照相机》杂志创刊于1979年,是国家工业技术类核心期刊,摄影器材行业权威性杂志,是一本技术与艺术并茂的刊物, 中国期刊协会指定的全国百家期刊阅览室赠送的刊物之一。
《照相机》内容涵盖传统相机、数码相机、摄录一体机、数码扫描仪、数码打印机、数码彩扩机、影楼设备、摄影技术及数码影像技术等。《照相机》杂志设有“在线篇”、“器材篇”、“技巧篇”、“创作篇”四大板块的“新品搜索”、“业界专访”、“商情快报”、“相机世界”、“编读往来”、“使用报告”、“维修园地”、“自己动手”、“我收我藏”、“彩扩天地”、 “影像教室”、“学用数码”、“产品测评”、“影友漫谈”、“摄影ABC”、“实践经验”等20余个栏目,以及摄影朋友创作交流平台——“大奖赛”、“月赛”等。
新品搜索—— 凡新上市的各类摄影器材均为搜索范围。
市场资讯、影赛信息、商情快报—— 动态、影讯、书评、商情,一网打尽。
市场论坛—— 对当今照相器材产品发表高见。
行业动态—— 及时了解各厂家、商家的经营信息。
业界专访—— 市场经济涌现出一批弄潮儿,且听他们的经营妙诀或是切肤之痛!
选购指南—— 使用与选购上给予点拨。
相机世界—— 对新老相机的功能、性能介绍。
使用报告—— 介绍知名照相机及器材,辅以实用与实拍,重在“实用”。
维修园地—— 教您检查、判别、排除照相机及器材故障。
彩扩天地—— 摄影器材库里的“半边天”。
影像教室、学用数码—— 使您不出家门,就可以了解到数码影像的新技术。
产品测评—— 国家专业机构的检测及摄影者对器材重要指标的感官评判。
实践经验—— 影友交流有关器材及拍摄经验的平台。
自己动手 —— 交流 DIY经验。
编读往来—— 请专家为您排忧解难。
影友漫谈、交流平台 反映摄影中的酸甜苦辣。
摄影 ABC 解答读者的疑虑与困惑。杂志还常年举办摄影月赛、摄影大赛,力荐摄影新人。
《照相机》每期 10 元,全年定价 120 元。全国各地邮局皆可办理订阅。邮发代号 32-55 ,也可汇款本刊邮购。
地址:杭州市西溪路 560 号
电话: 0571-85126539
传真: 0571-87975916
E-mail : cameramag@126.com
cameramag@hzcnc.com 已经停用
Brief Introduction
CAMERA Monthly is one the most important technological magazines in China which is sponsored by Hangzhou Photographic Machinery Institute of China, issues and spreads authoritative and comparative reviews, reports, informations about traditional-digital cameras, minilabs and photographic products to those inter-ested readers. It is a magazine com bined the update photographic technologies and arts in one. CAMERA Monthly was founded since 1979,.which is an authoried magazine kept in the "100 Magazines Reading Room " ( 全国百家期刊阅览室 ) byChina Magazine Association ( 中国期刊协会 ) .
The columns of CAMERA Monthly covers traditional camera, digital camera, video camera, digital scanner, digital minilab, photographic studio equipments and photo capture skill, etc. This magazine also provided many useful interest sections such as Online affair, Equipment, Technical and Creation, as well as "new products search", " professional interviews", "economic reports", "camera world", "reader 's feedback", "usage report", "repair technique", "DIY", "camera collection", "color minilab", "photographic guidance", "digital learning", "pro-duct testing", "experience sharing", "photography ABC" and "practicum experien-ce", they reach more than 20 items. It also offers a communication platform for readers "Grand Competition ","Monthly Competition" and so on.
CAMERA 's size is A4 and 84 pages which are colour printed on drypoint pap-er. It is issued on every 1 st day of the month.
CAMERA Monthly costs 10 RMB each, and 120 RMB for whole year subscription. Reservation available at all post office. Postage Subscription Code (邮发代号)32-55, International Magazine Code ISSN 1009-2250 and China Magazine Code CN 33-1090/TB.
560 Xixi Road,
Hangzhou, Zhejiang Provice,
Tel: +86-(0)571-8612-6539
Fax: +86-(0)571-8797-5916
Homepage: http://www.chinacamera.com.cn
E-mail: cameramag@126.com